Monday, January 22, 2007

The Human Spirit

Driving though tunnels and over bridges always fills me with pride. Simply to believe that we could tunnel under rivers and mountains or span great bodies of water with steel and concrete clearly proclaims the greatness of human spirit.

I always have felt this way. Even as a child I was enamored of humankind's ability to build such great things. In fourth grade I built a model of the Hoover Dam for my class science project. It had working valves and I used real water to display its operations.

My friend Alan was jealous because his project didn't turn out. During my presentation he asked me in front of the class whether the Hoover Dam could withstand a serious earthquake. I wasn't sure and while I hesitated to answer he ran up to the front of class and shook my project violently. It started to fall apart and water splashed everywhere. All the other students laughed.

To this day, whenever the Hoover Dam comes up in conversation, I get mad at Alan and I won't speak to him. My wife says that I am being childish. But she didn't work for weeks making a model of the Hoover Dam with working valves and real water in it and everything.

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